Register to Vote & Request Absentee Ballots for Lamoille North Revised FY25 Elementary Budget

Register to Vote & Request Absentee Ballots for Lamoille North Revised FY25 Elementary Budget

As the Lamoille North communities of Belvidere, Eden, Hyde Park, Johnson, and Waterville approach the revised FY25 Lamoille North Elementary Budget, it's important to remember that your participation is a crucial step in making your voice heard.

You can learn more about the revised FY25 Elementary Budget by visiting your district or school websites at

Absentee Ballots: Voters still have the option to request an Absentee Ballot by mail from your community's Town Clerk's Office. This allows you to participate in the upcoming vote or election, even if you cannot visit the polling station on May 21, 2024. Absentee voting is a convenient way to ensure your voice is heard in the upcoming revised elementary budget vote. You must request an absentee ballot this week if you intend to vote by absentee ballot.

Register to Vote: If you're not yet registered to vote, all 18-year-old Vermont residents can register to become voters in their communities to participate in votes and elections.

To register, visit Vermont's Secretary of State's website or drop by your community's Town Clerk's Office. The process is straightforward and can be completed in a few minutes. If registering for the first time, acceptable forms of identification include a valid photo ID (driver's license or passport), current utility bill, current bank statement, or another government document.

Beginning January 1, 2017, eligible persons may register to vote on any day up to and including the day of the election. However, if you register online the day before the election or on Election Day, your application may not be processed in time for your name to appear on your town's voter checklist, and you may be asked to fill out another paper application at the polls. To be sure your name appears on the checklist, please try to register by the Friday before the election or vote. Most Town Clerk's Offices are closed Mondays before a vote, so act quickly.

Please Vote: Please vote on the revised elementary school budget on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Eden and Johnson residents will vote at their respective schools, and Belvidere, Waterville, and Hyde Park residents will vote at their Town Clerk's Offices.

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