Lamoille North Revised FY25 Elementary Budget Voted Down

Lamoille North Revised FY25 Elementary Budget Voted Down

The Revised FY25 Lamoille North Modified Unified Union School District Elementary budget has been voted down by district taxpayers.

Vote Results:

Yes:    366

No:    414

Blank:     0

Spoiled:   0

TOTAL:  780

This revised elementary budget does not include any new programming or initiatives but continues the current level of services and educational opportunities provided for our elementary students. Without a passed budget by July 1, 2024, our capacity to serve our students is greatly diminished.

The School Board will continue to work on providing a reasonable and responsible FY25 MUUSD elementary budget.

There will be another opportunity for our community to pass a budget before July 1, 2024.

Information on the next vote will come the week of April 22.

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