Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Grades K-6
What time does school start?
The school day will begin at 8:05am. Students will be marked tardy after that time.
When can I drop my child off at school?
Students can be dropped off starting at 7:40 am. Students will not be allowed in the building prior to this time. Please do not allow your child to exit their vehicle prior to 7:40 am.
Where do I drop off my child?
Vehicles may enter the bus lane closest to the building and drop their child at their designated door. Grades Pre-K through 2 will enter through the main entrance into the lobby. Grades 3-6 will enter through the side door, also known as the "red doors." Please consider pulling ahead, if possible, to allow additional vehicles into the lane and out of traffic.
What time is school dismissal?
Walkers and pick-ups will be dismissed at 2:40pm. Students who ride the bus or attend the after school program will be dismissed at 2:55pm.
Where do I pick up my child?
Vehicles may enter either the bus lane or the secondary pick-up lane. We ask that adults remain in their vehicle. Students will be led to their vehicle by a staff member.
How do I change my child's after school plans?
Please send a note with your child explaining the change. Your child should hand this note to their teacher. You may also call 802-521-5400, and hit "9" to leave a message, or email to explain the change.
My child is going to be late. What do I do?
Call 802-521-5400, and hit "9" to leave a message, or email When you arrive, drop your child at the front door (regardless of grade level) and they will be let in. You may use the bus lane to do this.
My child is going to be absent. What do I do?
Call 802-521-5400, and hit "9" to leave a message, or email to explain why your child will be absent. It is important to state the reason for the absence, if possible.
I need to pick up my child early. What do I do?
Please send a note with your child explaining the change. Your child should hand this note to their teacher. You may also call 802-521-5400, and hit "9" to leave a message, or email to explain the change. When you arrive (you may use the bus lane), you may enter the building to sign out your child OR you may call and your child can be escorted to your car.
I want my child to ride the bus. What do I do?
Contact Devon DePaolo at 802-521-5418 to notify the school. You will then be directed to Amy at Lamoille Valley Transportation, 802-888-2103, ext. 103, who can enroll your child in bussing and answer any questions about pick-up/drop-off times, routes, and bus numbers.
What is the schedule for an early release day?
On early release days, also known as "half days," walkers and pick-ups will be dismissed at 11:20am. Bussers are dismissed at 11:30am. Elementary students will have a different bus run than middle and high school students. Their ride is typically much shorter with fewer stops. Plan accordingly! Those who sign up for school lunch will receive a bagged lunch to take home with them-- no lunch will be served at school on these days.
What time does school start?
The school day will begin at 8:15am.
When can I drop my child off at school?
Students can be dropped off promptly at 8:15am.
Where do I drop off my child?
When you arrive, you should park in the visitor parking lot, and walk your child to the front door, where they will be met by staff.
What time is school dismissal?
Preschool is dismissed at 2:30pm.
Where do I pick up my child?
When you arrive, you should park in the visitor parking lot, and wait outside the front door for your child.
My child is going to be late. What do I do?
Call 802-521-5400, and hit "9" to leave a message, or email When you arrive park in visitor parking and walk your child to the front door. Staff will meet them and accompany them inside.
My child is going to be absent. What do I do?
Call 802-521-5400, and hit "9" to leave a message, or email to explain why your child will be absent. It is important to state the reason for the absence, if possible.